
Oy Dave!

Since 2006, I've been performing raps at The Collaborative's "Purim Shpiel." Each chapter of the Book of Esther (Megillah) is assigned to an artist to interpret as he/she wishes. A friend convinced me to write and perform raps, and I've really enjoyed doing so! Scroll down to watch 4 of the 10 chapters! And click here to watch more acts from the 2010 Purim Shpiel!

Chapter 1 of the Megillah - Purim Shpiel 2010

Chapter 3 of the Megillah - Purim Shpiel 2010

Chapter 5 of the Megillah - Purim Shpiel 2009

Chapter 6 of the Megillah - Purim Shpiel 2008

Please let me know if you'd like to read any lyrics to these songs!